About the Jane Club


Honor all work. Come as you are. Show up. Be of service.


From the first incubator space where we tested coworking with onsite, full-time childcare, to our expanding digital community of Janes from all across the country and around the world, these have been our guiding principles. 

In 2018 the Jane Club launched a coworking space in Los Angeles, with inviting workspaces, enriching and entertaining programming, and world-class childcare all nestled in a cozy bungalow in Hancock Park. We outgrew the space and moved up the street, taking what we’d learned to create a larger oasis. A space where we could take care of the woman who takes care of everyone else. An inspiring yet peaceful place to be productive, be quiet, be social, be yourself. The house was filled every day with the sound of typing on keyboards, laughter in the kitchen, children singing in Music Class at our first-floor childcare space, meditation in the backyard. It was the community space of our dreams. 

And then the pandemic hit. 

But that was not the ending to our story. It was not the end because Jane was never just a space or a place: Jane is a movement. 


When we couldn’t gather in person, we gathered our team on phone calls over a frantic weekend. And that very next Monday, we moved our community online and developed virtual programming, making sure it was carefully crafted, varied and supportive, and actually useful. We developed childrens’ programming in tandem throughout the day, for those who needed educational and creative engagement for their little ones. 

Over time we created wide channels of connection on our platform so Janes could connect throughout the day, evening and weekend, for a laugh or an inspirational article, a photo or a resource share, at a time when the world was turning upside down and we all needed each other more than ever. 

We launched our digital co-working solution The Jane Workday in July of 2022. It is our answer to the problems we ourselves have faced. A space where we can get our work done, take care of community and ourselves. It is the space of our dreams.

We are actively building a world where women are not forced to give up what nourishes them in order to care for their family. A world where women are supported in equal amounts to the amount that they support others. A world where the village we know we need is real.

Today we are 500 strong, and we have only just begun.

Welcome to Jane.